The actor's premiere community for artistic success, personal empowerment, and a life enjoyed.

Hosted by Ajarae Coleman: working actress, acting business mentor, and lifestyle expert.


If you want to book more work, The Table is for you.

 If you’re ready to build a strong team, The Table is for you.

  If you want to infuse your career with ease and joy, The Table is for you.

 If you want financial abundance between bookings, The Table is for you.

If you’re excited to make connections in your community, The Table is for you.

 If you want to take the guesswork out of your acting career, The Table is for you.

  If you want to bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be, The Table is for you.

Whether you are looking to sign with your first rep, or ready to book your first series, there is a seat for you at The Table.

You’re probably like… how is that even possible

How can there be a membership program that is completely customizable to my career?

I’m so glad you asked.

Let me tell you about a little thing I call The Table success path.

This career-changing success path will be your guide as you design your ideal career and bring it to life. When you join The Table, we will chart a path based on where you are in your career. You will use the Success Path to determine where exactly to focus your time and effort for maximum results. As you implement the training and check off the milestones for each stage, you will gain confidence, grow your acting resume, develop an effective team to support you, cultivate your base of collaborators and fans, and ultimately achieve financial and creative independence.

Our success path is your complete roadmap to creative and financial freedom…


"I create systems that support the high-level artistic career I am calling in."

Set career goals using The Table framework; create a weekly planning ritual;  cultivate a stillness practice, build an accountability structure; and create a powerful list of future collaborators.


"Every purposeful action I take brings me closer to my artistic vision."

Execute monthly marketing plans; create casting profiles that get results; deliver auditions and self-tapes with ease; have an income source that supports your career; and connect with industry pros on your target list.


"I am a strong and generous leader who embraces the collaborative nature of my art."

Learn to articulate your mission; lead your teams of agents, managers and other support; grow your circle of influence; and execute quarterly plans with your team on board.


"I embrace my expanded vision. Every day, I play a bigger game and my career meets me there."

Create, co-create and commission original projects; use your bookings to gain momentum; use public relations tools for promotion; develop residual income sources; and connect with your fans and nurture "superfans."

Stage 5: FREEDOM

"My success is a journey that includes enthusiasm for life, fulfilling relationships, creative freedom, a sense of well-being & peace of mind."

Spend most of your time focused on your own priorities; say "no" to misaligned opportunities; lead a team that fully supports you; thrive financially; create a lifestyle that you love; and live in a state of gratitude.

The success path is designed to meet you exactly where you are and propel you to new heights. If you've always known you could be incredibly successful, you've come to the right place.

Welcome to the thriving artistic life that you deserve.

The Table isn't a course. It isn't a class.

It's a whole new way of doing your acting career. As a member, you get access to “the Netflix of acting career success.”

No more wasting hours looking for answers to your questions, sifting through irrelevant, outdated or fear-based information, spending thousands of dollars on courses you never complete.

The Table is your one-stop acting business training and support shop.

Meet Ajarae Coleman

The Table-Maker (Carpenter?) 🤔

Hi there! I’m Ajarae (she/her). I’m a working actor, businesswoman, productivity junkie, meditation enthusiast, cat-mom, foodie, and (double!) Gemini. 

Years ago, I left my comfortable corporate job for a dream of being a working actor. I’m so proud to have achieved that, and to support a lifestyle I love working as an artist. I’ve used all my experience plus what I've learned from countless others, to create what I believe to be the most dynamic place on the internet for actors: The Table.

I created The Table’s Success Path because we have work to do. Many people still see the artistic lifestyle as one of scarcity and fear. And many actors are stuck in people-pleasing patterns because they feel like they have a lower status than others in the industry, like casting directors, talent agents and producers.

None of this is true. We hold tremendous power as actors. Performers are opening minds by introducing people to perspectives they don’t necessarily encounter in their daily lives and sharing stories where folks can see themselves.

Performers play a huge role in creating a reality where every being on the planet is safe, heard and valued. I am humbled and grateful every day to be an actor. And I am honored to welcome you into this community of heart-centered, purposeful artists. Welcome to The Table.


Call me Ajarae the Builder, because I have spent years building out a library of training and materials to help you shine.

How-To Lessons and Masterclasses

Each month we release new and relevant content. These are the nuts and bolts of the program. You’ll fill in gaps in your knowledge, complete action items in the success path based on your priorities, and move closer to your goals. The training is easy to consume because you can watch on your laptop, listen on-the-go from our mobile app, or read the transcripts!

Twice Monthly Live Coaching Calls

You’ll have the opportunity to volunteer for laser-focused coaching sessions directly with me. We'll also meet for interactive Community Meetings, where we take deep dives into relevant themes. These sessions are designed to bring you the clarity you need to take massive action and implement the Success Path and in your own career. I’ll work with multiple volunteers on every call, so whether you are being coached or just observing, you’re sure to learn a ton.

Weekly Co-Working Sessions

When I say I love accountability and structure, I mean it. As a member of The Table, you have access to LIVE co-working session every Monday where you’ll be guided to a state of deep work: perfect for implementing some power hours!

Industry Expert Interviews

Members of The Table get access to exclusive interviews with industry professionals to get valuable intel. For example, if you’ve ever wanted to know how to prepare for a general interview with a network casting executive, you can hear it directly from Marci Phillips, the VP of Casting at ABC/Disney+. These interviews help expand your circles because you’ll have a great reason to reach out and connect!

Plus all members of The Table get these Bonuses >>>

Implementation Workbooks and Game Boards

Each one of these beauties is like a mini-coaching session. The prompts guide you to act on what you learn, so you’re not wasting your time consuming training that you never implement. 

The game boards make it easy for you to acknowledge and celebrate your progress because you’ll share them in the community as you complete them.

VIP Perks and Discounts

We’ve negotiated member deals with top actor service providers, like CastingAbout, headshot photographers, audition taping studios, printers, reel editors, website developers, and stylists. You’ll save tons of cash on the other tools you need as an actor, so the program basically pays for itself several times over.

Private Facebook Community

You’ll get access to our exclusive Facebook community, so that you never have to feel alone on this journey again. You can’t underestimate the value of a community of like-minded people who are actually going to support you in this business. Members of The Table are heart-centered, purpose-driven artists who support one another and help each other succeed. Do you NEED Facebook to get full value from The Table? No. But it’s here for you if you use it.

What else happens when you claim your seat?

When you take the leap and invest in yourself, your career, and your quality of life... nothing short of MAGIC happens.

As artists, we're often told our careers are selfish, indulgent, and a waste of time. This can make us subconsciously believe we are not worthy of an artistic life unless its filled with struggle and uncertainty.

By claiming your seat, you take a crucial step toward liberating yourself of the belief that your career is a burden.

Whenever you take passionate decisive, action towards your goals, you essentially light up a neon sign that tells The Universe, "I'M READY."

By committing to The Table, you're committing to a powerful version of yourself who focuses your attention, makes traction in your career, builds communities of fans and collaborators, gets hired regularly and often, leads a fully supportive team, and lives in financial abundance.

This is what I wish for you. 🙌

The Table Uses the 3 C's to Propel You to the Next Level of Your Career



So many actors are stuck because we just don't know what to do. The Table provides an easy-to-follow success path  that lays out every step you need to take to create a fulfilling and abundant artistic career. With the support of twice monthly coaching calls and our tight virtual community, you can rest assured that none of your questions will go unanswered.


What if I told you that as an artist you still deserve a life with helpful structure and accountability? Well, you do.  In The Table, we help our members create solid systems, so no matter how much time you have (or don't have) in your schedule, you're still making progress.  You'll be shocked by the impact that taking consistent action will have over just a few short months. You have no choice but to be successful.


We harness the power of an encouraging, safe, artistic and inclusive community to help you find encouragement, inspiration and motivation, even on your hardest days. At The Table, we leave scarcity, competition, and cattiness at the door.


Basically, we help you know what to do and give you the tools to help you do it. Oh, and the whole time you have an incredible group of cheerleaders surrounding you, who are so excited to watch you succeed.

A year's worth of access to these benefits in comparable classes, workshops and programs is worth...

  • Monthly Masterclasses: $1200
  • Twice Monthly Live Coaching: $5400
  • Weekly Co-Working Sessions: $480
  • BONUS Industry Expert Interviews: $1200
  • BONUS Guided Game Boards: $495
  • BONUS Implementation Workbooks & Templates: $3750


Total Value: $12,525

Real talk about money.

I know we actors are sometimes subject to unreliable income. It can feel scary to commit to something in a financial way. We’re worried we’ll waste our money.

But let me ask you this: how much time and money are you wasting working harder than you need to, waiting longer than necessary, and meandering towards your goals?

Spoiler: it’s a lot of time and money.

Members of The Table don’t just book more, they are empowered to create a life of financial savvy and abundance

Remember: The Table is all about systems to make your life easier. And your life doesn’t begin and end with bookings.

That means, if you’re honoring the Success Path, you’ll increase your income even between bookings. You’ll have the financial framework to finally take control of your destiny.

I believe that in order to ATTRACT the life of your dreams, you need to start LIVING that dream right now.

And I want to help you do that.

This is your invitation to take new action. Don’t try to do it alone when it’s so easy to get support.


Ready to commit to The Table for a year?

You'll receive these additional bonuses worth $762!

2 Free Months of Membership

When you commit for a year, you pay $970 instead of $1164. Plus, you can try the membership for 30 days risk free. ($194 value)

Good News Marketing Templates

Done-for-you marketing templates for you to proudly share your career successes as a Power Player! The images are perfectly sized for social media sharing, and you can even use them for digital email postcards. Customize them using the free online software Canva if you'd like, or just download and share as is! ($45 value)

The Guru's Guide to Getting in the Room

This 80 page interactive workbook is my audition-getting manifesto. It will guide you through the crucial steps of creating meaningful goals, being your own best representative, strengthening your mindset, and more. Complete with hands-on exercises to make implementation easy, and gorgeous quotations to keep you inspired, you are going to love this Guide. ($97 value)

The Power Player's Tech Guide

We use a LOT of technology as actors. So I’ve created a guide for you with all my personal recommendations from self tapes to graphic design to industry research tools. This will save you money and countless hours of trial-and-error! ($79 value)

The Actor's Side Biz Start-Up Kit

Starting a side biz can be a creatively fulfilling way to earn an abundant living alongside your acting career, but the path to developing a financially successful one can be challenging! In fact, many actor-entrepreneurs have given up their acting careers along the way. In this course, I share my secrets to doing both at once successfully and introduce you to other biz experts who have helped me. ($347 value)

Don't just take it from me. 😉 Hear what our members have to say...

I moved out of an unhealthy relationship with my ex-manager, and signed with a new manager and agent. I learned how to seek help and found an accountability buddy.  The Table is a communal space for interaction, shared experiences, and wisdom-sharing. And it feels safe to do that.


Kristelle M.

I did a group coaching call with Ajarae... and it was so what I needed to hear in that moment. I've been updating Ajarae on my progress and she's been such a great anchor of support. And she is for everyone! I don't know how she does it.

I've internalized that I am worthy. And that's the biggest game changer.

Rachel M.

I booked 3 network co-stars in the last 10 months or so... and I was offered a role in an indie feature based on my online presence...I booked a recurring role in an Amazon Prime digital series... this really helped me streamline my thought process about the business. I've gotten more done in the past few months than I have in years!

Cathy S.

Meet your colleague at The Table, Jessica D.

Jessica is an absolute firecracker. In the past year alone, she has completely transformed her career and her life! I could brag for days on her amazing list of accomplishments, but I will keep it short: she’s found new management, new representation, multiple exciting bookings (including a film and commercial booked in 2022), and even made the cross-country move to Los Angeles to better support her blossoming career.

I'm really seeing the progress and turning my goals into reality!

I have an agent I love, I’m auditioning for major network shows, I’m creating my own work and getting it into the world! I booked a national pet commercial and car commercial during COVID! But I also learned how to make my actor life and personal life fit together. I have a flexible remote job that supports my acting and that I enjoy doing! I feel comfortable and confident networking and setting boundaries.

Honestly, The Table hasn’t just made me a better actor, it’s made me a better businesswoman and CEO of my life, and I am happier in my life because of what I am learning and the community of The Table.”

Jessica D.

More member experiences...

The thing I've learned that's really made a difference for me is better time management and organization. I think that's what Ajarae is really stellar at. If I do get a last-minute audition, I don't have to panic because everything is so jam-packed in my schedule.


Laurel H.

Ajarae has amazing creative ideas on how to get your business end of this thing going. I booked a commercial that wound up on kiosks in all the subway systems in New York, I have supporting roles in two films, and I made it into the LA Film Festival with a short that I starred in. What I really want to do now is a pilot...

Kris Ann R.

I joined because I needed a community. I was just doing this on my own, and I wanted to be around some like-minded people and be held accountable. I booked my first co-star role on SCANDAL! My most recent win was a co-star on ALL-AMERICAN, and that made me realize the importance of relationships, which a lot of people overlook.

I also shot a scene with someone in the group that gets me called in all the time!


Mike D.

Meet your colleague at The Table, Katie B.

Katie adores our online community, even though she was skeptical at first because she doesn't hang out on Facebook for anything else. This is the first time she's had a community of like-minded actors who support one another rather than compete with one another.

I am so so so grateful for The Table and the vault of resources (of which I have only scratched the surface!) and I am proud of myself for investing in me.

Thank you for being the beautiful light that you are and helping me to realize I am so important as an actor. I have found so much healing through The Table which in turn helps my art. You have helped me realize that my acting is important and also that I am important to the industry and [have given me] the ability to claim fully I Am An Actor and know that doesn’t mean I need to struggle emotionally or financially because of that claim. Having a pathway and the support system is changing so many aspects of my life unrelated to acting (but let’s be real, it's all related!).

Katie B.

...and more love from our members.

It was the best investment. By far. I signed up immediately for the yearlong program and haven’t regretted a moment. When I got my login and went inside, it was like, so delicious. As a busy entrepreneur, I like things structured. I like to know what I need to do, and I could really do that for my own business, but I’ve never been able to do that as an actor. I love those checklists. And I know I’m accomplishing something because there are set points. And yet it’s simple enough that you don’t get overwhelmed. If I had this when I was just starting out, holy smokes! The interviews are priceless. There’s a lot of smoke and mirrors out there. But we need roots and stability and strength to grow on. That is what The Table brings.

Stephana J.

Now I have this new perspective of how to form and foster relationships with people in  the industry. I’m coming more from a space of service, which is cool. I’ve never been auditioning this much. My agent is wonderful; I have a great relationship with her and I feel comfortable reaching out to her. I am moving forward on my own projects... my callback ratio is huge, my avail ratio is huge. I’ve seen a lot of growth and I attribute that to the work I’m doing with The Table.

Rachael S.

The sheer amount of resources that The Table provides, whether in video and worksheets... I mean, videos are transcribed for the type of learner you are, that's insane! The industry expert interviews are so helpful. This is a living, breathing company, and it's so legit in terms of the way they keep pumping in more stuff into the resource pool. And then the fact that there is a community, the fact that there are people you can talk to and collaborate with, and that these are like-minded people. People who are serious about their careers and the commitment to it.

Anna S.

Yes, I want this>>>

Meet your colleague at The Table, Heather D.

I’ve had the pleasure of working with Heather for years, and even though I already know how magnetic and wonderful she is, she still managed to blow me away with all of her accomplishments in the past year. Not only did she have a role air on This Is Us, but she also premiered the sitcom she co-created and starred in. Plus, she has birthed a successful business that is aligned with her passion. Oh, yeah, and she was nominated for a BroadwayWorld award for her one-woman show. Aaannnd she and her hubby just bought a house. No biggie.

The Table is a treasure trove.

There's so many resources attached and so much valuable content. It's beautiful, but not surprising to me because [Ajarae] is always on the leading edge of what's really missing for actors and [encourages them] to be as empowered dealing with the business side as they are around the craft side.

Heather D.

Frequently Asked Questions

Let's Recap

When you join The Table, you’re joining an online community space for actors

You’ll have our success path, which gives you the concrete, actionable steps to get you where you want to be.

You’ll have access to a library of How-To Lessons and masterclasses that tell you how to implement the steps.

You’ll meet twice monthly for LIVE calls with the community where you can bring your unique challenges to Ajarae and workshop a solution in real time. You can submit questions for these classes even if you can’t attend in-person!

Each week, you have the option to join the community for co-working sessions so you have a dedicated space to make progress on your goals.

Not to mention, you’ll have new monthly guest expert interviews, an arsenal of workbooks and game boards to keep you organized, exclusive member VIP discounts, and access to our sacred private Facebook community.

Try out The Table with zero risk for 10 days. If you don't love it, I'll refund your money, no questions asked.

We you commit to the yearly membership, we extend the money back guarantee period to a full 30 days. If you decide to request a refund, we simply ask that you share your homework from Stage 1 as a good faith indication that you actually tried the program. You have nothing to lose, and the career of your dreams is on the other side of this decision.

There's no other experience for actors quite like this.

Sure, there are a lot of coaches out there.

Sure, there are a bunch of courses on getting representation.

Sure, you can do some Googling and figure out a good self tape setup.

But here's the thing: not only does The Table host the answers to all of your actor questions in one place with consistent messaging (AKA: no more worrying about who you can trust!) but The Table also takes it a step further. We give you the tools to create not just a fulfilling career, but also a fulfilling life.

Read that again - a fulfilling life.

I believe that a happy, balanced, and financially free artist is a powerful artist.

I want you to be an agent of positive change in the world.

I want you to feel empowered to use your voice and make your mark.

And I truly believe that level of freedom and vibrancy comes from a life enjoyed.

And that enjoyment can exist at every stage of your journey.

So yes, you’ll probably join The Table to book more work... no problem. I got you.

But you’ll stay in The Table when you realize that living a life of artistic expression and abundance can exist for you right now.

I want you to become addicted to feeling empowered.

Want the feeling of being a member of The Table right now?

Quiet your mind and speak these affirmations:

"I am a magnet for bookings, opportunity and connection."

"I am an abundant artist."

"My art is a powerful agent for change."

"I am completely held and supported by my community."

"The Universe is conspiring for my success."

"I am my own biggest fan."

"I am deeply connected to my intuition."

"I only make career decisions that inspire and excite me."


Say it, own it, claim it. It's yours.

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