Are you an ambitious creative who is ready to reach the next tier of success with more ease?


...the only community for actors that combines proven career coaching, personal empowerment, nervous system support, and next level industry networking!

Yes, I'm ready to apply

Welcome to the thriving artistic life that you deserve


We understand the challenges of being an actor in 2024.

It's been a tough four years, from the pandemic to the double strikes.

We know you're tired of sending self-tapes into the void with no feedback. Afraid that  AI will eventually take over everything. Doubtful that you'll ever land a decent agent.

You're just tired of feeling OUTSIDE of it all, with no guarantee it will ever get better.

We understand, and we're here to tell you: THERE'S ANOTHER WAY TO APPROACH YOUR ARTISTIC CAREER.

A path of love, expansion and possibility instead of worry, fear and doubt.

You CAN and WILL be successful. We're calling it in.

We are honored to welcome you to

The Table A-List

The Table is a career coaching community for purposeful, heart-centered actors where you'll learn to cultivate a powerful industry network, transcend limiting subconscious programming, and experience incredible career wins, through the power of personal leadership and accountability.

Perfect for Actors Who Are Done with Excuses and Ready to Make It Happen
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In The Table, you'll learn to

  • Reap the Rewards of an Expansive Industry Network

We all understand that success is based on who you know in this industry. So you need our system to network and consistently gain access to casting directors, showrunners, writers, producers, filmmakers... the people you want to collaborate with. You'll start with our industry meet-and-greets and expand from there, based on your goals.

  • Care for Your Nervous System

If success doesn't feel "safe" to you, you'll never achieve it. It's time to stop self-sabotaging. You'll adopt a stillness practice, clear limiting subconscious beliefs, and process the energy and emotion that comes with a challenging career. So you can finally reach the most ambitious goals you have set... without a ton of hard work.

  • Take the Actions that Really Matter

Many actors are spinning their wheels doing busywork. They beome frustrated that nothing is working, and they are exhausted and burnt out. Here we focus on "power moves," the actions that yield results... and we learn to embrace ease and play in our creative lives.

The proven "Power Player Paradigm" is your customizable path to career success

Our success path is designed to meet you exactly where you are, and propel you to new heights in your artistic career. If you've always known you could be incredibly successful, you're in the right place.

OWNERSHIP: "I create systems that support the high-level career I am calling in."

  • set meaningful goals
  • weekly planning ritual
  • stillness practice
  • create accountability structure
  • create target list of collaborators

MOMENTUM: "Every purposeful action I take brings me closer to my artistic vision."

  • monthly marketing plan
  • improve casting profiles
  • create a self-tape ritual
  • supportive income source
  • grow your circle of industry influence

LEADERSHIP: "I am a strong and generous leader who embraces the collaborative nature of my art."

  • articulate your creative mission
  • lead a strong team (agents, manager)
  • execute quarterly plans
  • systematize your industry reach outs 
  • share your creativity regularly with the world

VISIBILITY: "I embrace my expanded vision. Every day, I play a bigger game and my career meets me there."

  • create and commission original projects
  • use bookings to gain momentum
  • use PR tools for promotion
  • develop residual income sources
  • nurture and connect with fans

FREEDOM: "My success is a journey that includes enthusiasm for life, fulfilling relationships, creative freedom, a sense of well-being & peace of mind."

  • embrace your own priorities
  • say "no" to misaligned opportunities
  • thrive financially
  • conscious lifestyle design
  • live in a state of gratitude
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Here's how you'll get results in The Table

Live Strategy Coaching

Some career challenges are not meant to be handled alone. You'll dive deep with Ajarae every month on Zoom and tackle your most sticky issues together. And you'll learn a ton from watching other actors receive coaching as well. Submit your questions in advance or attend live and ask in the moment.

Next Level Networking

You'll get ACCESS to the people you want to collaborate with. We host virtual meet-and-greets with writers, casting directors, producers, executives and filmmakers to help you cultivate a global network, and get accustomed to interacting with people at the top of their game.

Energy Healing Sessions

Enjoy guided meditative journeys to clear your subconscious blocks to success and transcend your limiting beliefs. Tune in and receive the mental, emotional and spiritual tools to face any challenge with ease. This is the missing link for many actors who are hustling hard, but not succeeding.

Planning Mini-Retreats

Review your goals and look at the big picture 4 times per year to make sure you stay on track. In order to succeed, you must look beyond the daily grind, and we'll make sure you do that. It's time to plan like a CEO.

Co-Working & Connection

Receive support and accountability to get your most important tasks done in community (body-doubling). You'll form accountability partnerships, create projects together, and cast each other! Ajarae hosts in person events as well.

Training Library

Our fully searchable training library is unparalleled. We have a training for virtually any career question you have. Consume content on-the-go using our mobile app. All content is transcribed for accessibility as well.

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Plus, the Table A-List includes...

Free Access to AGENT ALCHEMY

Agent Alchemy is Ajarae's ground-breaking program for you to sign with your dream agent or manager in 44 days, complete with a step-by-step roadmap, email templates, phone scripts, and contact trackers. Getting an agent has never felt so simple.

This program retails for $647 alone, but you get free access as an A-List member.

Hear from Table member Jeff T., who recently started implementing the program. He took ONE single action that he had been resisting, and it resulted in THREE meetings, right away:

Perfect for Actors Who Need New Reps or Are Ready to Upgrade Without Stress
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The Table A-List also includes...


Star Power is a 21-day journey where you will spend 20 minutes a day completely shifting your confidence, your magnetism, and your ability to receive. We will use techniques that have been scientifically proven to get massive results, including creative visualization, EFT tapping, breaking physical objects, merging with the energy of your vision, tapping into your intuition, and many more.

This program retails for $497 alone, but you get free access as an A-List member.

Perfect for Actors Who Are Ready to Release Resistance and Attract an Abundance of Auditions and Bookings
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Hi, there! I'm Ajarae Coleman (she/her). I'm a working actor, businesswoman, meditation enthusiast, cat-mom, foodie, and (double!) Gemini.

Years ago, I left my comfortable corporate job for a dream of being a working actor. I'm so proud to have achieved that, and to have a lifestyle I love. I've used all my experience and learnings to create the most dynamic and supportive place on the internet for actors: The Table.

I founded The Table because we have work to do. Many still see the artistic lifestyle as one of scarcity and fear. Many actors are stuck in people-pleasing patterns because they feel "less than" casting directors, talent agents, and producers.

None of this is true. We hold tremendous power as actors.

Performers help create a reality where every being on the planet is safe, heard and valued. We shift perspectives and help people feel seen.

I am grateful every day to be an actor. And I am honored to welcome you into this community of heart-centered, purposeful artists.

Welcome to The Table.

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You've Seen Ajarae's Work On

When you join hands with us for the next year, you'll get these sweet bonuses...

Marketing Templates

Done-for-you templates to showcare your successes, perfectly sized for social media sharing and digital email postcards. ($45 value)

Guru's Guide to Getting in the Room

80-page interactive audition-getting manifesto. Guides you through process of creating goals, best your best rep and more. ($97 value)

Power Player's Tech Guide

Ajarae's personal tech recommendations - from self-tape equipment to graphic design to industry research tools. This will save you money and countless hours of trial-and-error! ($79 value)

Actor's Side Biz Start-Up Kit

Ajarae's course on starting a profitable business while developing a thriving acting career at the same time. Plus introduction to other biz experts who have helped! ($347 value)

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The Table is a good fit for you if:

  • You have an open mind, and a beginner's mindset. You are ready to accelerate your success.
  • You care about the success of others in the industry almost as much as your own.

The Table is NOT a good fit for you if:

  • You are stubborn and unwilling to step outside your comfort zone.
  • You don't see the value in investing in yourself.

Don't just take it from us...

Here's what our members have achieved:

Upgraded her whole rep team...

I signed with a new manager and agent. I learned how to seek help and found an accountability buddy. The Table is a communal space for interaction, shared experiences, and wisdom sharing. And it feels safe to do that.


Received network bookings and direct offers...

I booked 3 network co-stars in the last 10 months or so... and I was offered a role in an indie feature based on my online presence...I booked a recurring on Amazon Prime series... this really helped me streamline my thought process about the business. I've done more in the past few months than I have in years!


Booked a commercial and two films...

Ajarae has amazing creative ideas on how to get your business end of this thing going. I booked a commerical that wound up on kiosks in all the subway systems in New York, I have supporting roles in two films, and I made it into the LA Film Festival with a short that I starred in.


After a year in The Table, you will have begun to master all of our pillars of success:

JANUARY: Plan Strategically + Execute Powerfully

FEBRUARY: Get Things Done That Actually Matter to You

MARCH: Create Lasting Financial Abundance

APRIL: Sign with Aligned Representation

MAY: Get Booked and Create Career Momentum

JUNE: Go Inward to the Source of Your Power

JULY: Become a Powerful Creator

AUGUST: Use Social Media for Good

SEPTEMBER: Grow Your Audience + Step Into Your Power

OCTOBER: Network Authentically + Build Winning Relationships

NOVEMBER: Set Goals + Commit to Your Artistic Mission

DECEMBER: Plan 2025 + Rest

...and you will continue to dive deeper from there.

It's time to get started.

Welcome home.

More reflections from our members:

Booked his first co-star role...

I needed a community... some like-minded people to hold me accountable. I booked my first co-star role on SCANDAL.. and then a co-star on ALL AMERICAN... that made me realize the importance of relationships. I also shot a scene with someone in the group that gets me auditions all the time!


Landed her first role on Broadway...

I have found so much healing through The Table, which in turn helps my art... I don't need to struggle emotionally or financially... Having a pathway and the support system is changing so many aspects of my life...


Collaborate with like-minded people who are serious about their careers...

The industry interviews are so helpful. This is a living, breathing company, and it's so legit in terms of the way they keep pumping in more stuff into the resource pool... the fact that there are people you can talk to and collaborate with, and these are people who are serious about their careers and the commitment to it.


Meet our resident energy healer

Sara Hopman is an Energy Healer, Akashic Records Practitioner, and Spiritual Development Teacher. She leads our energetic alignment sessions, and is so gifted at guiding us in these powerful meditative journeys.

With a background in Yoga Nidra Meditation, Reiki, Quantum Energy Healing, and channeling the Akashic Records, Sara’s approach offers a nurturing, safe space to connect within and receive what is needed — often resulting in profound clarity, empowering insights, and deep healing.

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More praise from our members:

I signed up immediately for the yearlong program and haven't regretted a moment...

It was the best investment. When I got my login and went inside, it was so delicious. I like to know what I need to do. I love those checklists. And yet it's simple enough that you don't get overwhelmed. If I had this when I was starting out, holy smokes! The interviews are priceless. The Table brings roots, and stability and strength to grow on.

Stephana J. (SHADOW 44)

I've never been auditioning this much...

Now I have this new perspective of how to form relationships with people in the industry. I'm coming more from a space of service, which is cool. My agent is wonderful. I am moving forward on my own projects... my callback ratio is huge, my avail ratio is huge. I've seen a lot of growth and I attribute that to the work I'm doing with The Table.


"I am happier in my life because of what I am learning, and the community of The Table."

I have an agent I love, I'm auditioning for major network shows... I booked a national pet commercial and car commercial... I have a flexible remote job that supports my acting and that I enjoy doing! I feel comfortable and confident networking and setting boundaries.


Time management has made a huge difference...

The thing I've learned that's really made a difference for me is better time management and organization. I think that's what Ajarae is really stellar at. If I do get a last-minute audition, I don't have to panic because everything is so jam-packed in my schedule.


"I've internalized that I am worthy. And that's the biggest game changer."

I did a group coaching call with Ajarae... and it was so what I needed to hear in that moment. I've been updating Ajarae on my progress and she's been such a great anchor of support. And she is for everyone! I don't know how she does it.


Co-created a sitcom and booked a network role...

The Table is a treasure trove. Ajarae is always on the leading edge of what's really missing for actors and [encourages us] to be as empowered dealing with the business side as they are around the craft side.


Frequently Asked Questions

There's no other experience for actors quite like this.

You'll get a lot more than proven career strategy at The Table. We provide the tools to create not just a thriving creative career, but also a fulfilling life.

A happy, balanced and financially free actor is powerful.

Sure, you'll book more work and get a great agent.

But you'll also use your voice, make your mark, and be an agent of positive change in the world.

A life of artistic expression and abundance can exist for you right now. Join us.

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